ReBrew: Ted

It’s already been almost two weeks since I saw Ted in theaters so you’re going to have to ‘bear’ with me (see what I did there?) through this review as I try to recall some of the film’s finer, and maybe not so fine, moments.

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ReBrew: The Amazing Spider-Man

When I saw the first Spider-Man film years ago, I think I was too young to truly view it with a critical eye. That all being said, I remember feeling like it lacked something and I was a bit disappointed, though I never really knew why.  The Spider-Man film franchise had been one I never really went back to–I’d watch each film once and then never again.  I didn’t particularly hate each movie, but I didn’t really love them either.  Spider-Man was my biggest hero during my childhood, and I’ve recently realized that it was the original film that got me to hang up the metaphorical web shooters and get over my favorite masked hero, as I’ve felt some indifference toward our friendly neighborhood Spider-man for the last ten or so years.  I’m happy to say The Amazing Spider-Man movie revived my fascination with my childhood hero and has me already wanting to see the film again.

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Indie Spotlight: Waking Life, a micro-ReBrew

I’m not sure if this film really counts as an indie one or not, but it definitely has that sort of indie “feeling” when you see it–of course, when you do see it, you may find yourself asking, “is this all a dream?” In which case, maybe you didn’t see the film at all–or did you?

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ReBrews: Diablo III

It’s been twelve years since Diablo II and the Lord of Terror is back with an all new vendetta.  Play a barbarian, demon hunter, wizard, monk, and/or witch doctor as a rich tale unfolds in Blizzard’s latest installment to one of their flagship titles!
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ReBrews: Wolverine and the X-Men #01

The Schism occurred, splitting the X-Men in half–some stayed in Utopia, an island off the coast of San Francisco with Cyclops, while others went back to Westchester, NY with Wolverine to re-open Xavier’s old school.  It’s an all new beginning in Marvel’s latest ongoing series Wolverine and the X-Men and if you want to find out if Wolverine and friends have what it takes you should keep reading.

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ReBrews: Uncanny X-Men #544, The Final Issue

The five-issue arc, “Schism,” left the X-men choosing sides as Wolverine and Cyclops finally decide to go separate ways.  Resulting from all of this (and perhaps Marvel trying to compete with DC, hmm?) we’re getting the final issue of Marvel’s longest running title; all this being said, we should expect, at the very least, nostalgia from this final book, right? Not exactly.

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